Bidders are hereby informed that following additions and modifications are done in the RFP ICSIL/03/SEC/Computerization/2015-16 Dated 24th November 2015.
SNOPage Number of the RFPClause of RFPAddition/Modification Done
1Page number 3
Mandatory Bidder Qualification
Sub point number -3
Bidder should provide necessary documents such as copy of Work order/ P.O. along with the completion certificate issued by the client in support of their claim of experiences Bidder should provide necessary documents such as copy of Work order/ P.O. along with the completion certificate issued by the client in support of their claim of experiences.Contact Details
1) Telephone numbers of the concerned.
2) Address of the Concerned.
2Page number 3
Mandatory Bidder Qualification
Addition of new point
Addition of new pointBidder should be minimum ISO 9001:2008 certified company( Attached proof)3Page number 6Terms and Conditions
The firm shall have proven experience for the above said job. The firm has to demonstrate requisite software for the above said jobs within 4 working days of receiving purchase order The successful bidder has to demonstrate requisite software for the above said jobs within 4 days before issuing the Purchase Order and the Purchase order will be released after satisfaction of ICSIL/Client(Election Commission).
All other terms and conditions mentioned in the RFP ICSIL/03/SEC/Computerization/2015-16, Dated 24th November 2015 are unchanged.