Sub: Clarifications, Corrigendum and Addendum to RFP for Empanelment of Vendors under Rate Contract.
In super session to Corrigendum issued on 30.04.2013, fresh Corrigendum, Addendum and Clarification is hereby issued in the following links. The Clarifications, Corrigendum and Addendum issued on 30.04.2013 may be treated as NULL and VOID.
1. Addendum Document. Addendum_Document2
2. Clarifications and Corrigendum Documents (changes in clauses)Clarification_&_Corrigendum_Document 2__Change_in_Clauses___without_Bidders_Name_
3. Clarifications and Corrigendum Documents(clauses remaining unchanged)Clarification_&_Corrigendum_Document 2__Clauses_remaining_unchanged___without_Bidders_Name
All concerned are requested to go through these before submitting Bid.